Friday, December 3, 2010

The Rat Pack in Cairo

    Last night some friends and I went to see a Las Vegas Rat Pack tribute band at the Cairo Opera House. It was opening night, which was fun as we got to dress up and be glam for the evening! We had great fun in the intermission spotting and commenting on fashion faux-pas in the audience.

  The band was The Rat Pack Tribute Show a band of impersonators from fabulous Las Vegas and they were pretty good in my opinion. 'Dean' and 'Sammy' bore the greatest physical resemblance to their real-life counterparts but 'Frank' just reminded of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, which isn't really a good thing!

   They sang all the classics, inviting the audience to join in several times. Highlights for me included: Everybody Loves Somebody, Mr. Bojangles, You Make Me Feel So Young, Leroy Brown, Mack the Knife, Me & My Shadow, That's Amore and of course, My Way and New York, New York. My friends and I were swaying and clapping our way through the whole show, although a quick look at the audience seemed to show that we were the only ones! Something that really annoyed me though was the fact that they changed the lyrics to Lady is a Tramp to the lady is a champ! No she isn't!! She's a tramp! The song doesn't make sense otherwise!

   Overall though it was a lovely night and we all had a great time.


  1. I wanted to go see them! But then I realized it would make me yearn for a time I haven't even witnessed even more. If that makes sense.

  2. I know what you mean Sara. When I get my time machine, this will be one of the eras I go and visit. For the music and clothes if nothing else.

  3. Sounds like the sort of thing I'd love, but they're so easy to get wrong. I saw a Frank Sinatra and Barbra Streisand on a morning show recently (from a show currently on in the West End, The Show That Never Was, or something) and they were awful! But I love this music, glad you had fun, bet half the fun was dressing up!


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