You know that feeling you get sometimes, that people are talking about you or keeping secrets behind your back? You probably felt it the most when you were between the ages of 11-13 when everyone had secrets that you weren't included in. Most of the time it was just your imagination and there was probably someone else saying the same thing about you, on the other hand, if you're a woman, chances are some of those girls really were being mean. We can't help it and it's a sign that you've started growing up when you realise that you are-unintentionally- hurting people around you and you begin to reign in some of those comments. Not all the time though, sometimes saying those couple of comments to someone who you know will agree with you is all that gets you through the day!! So imagine the frustration of people who walk into a room to find people speaking a language you can't understand and not feeling welcome to share in a conversation.
Being considerate and switching languages won't endanger your national identity or language, nor will it make you look like a show off to your fellow countrymen, who knows, you might even enjoy talking to someone with a different point of view. You could even learn something and broaden your views.
Yep, there ya go. One of the hundreds of examples of Islamic mannerisms that are unpracticed (and even unmentioned) within our muslim societies. It's actually prohibited in Islam that two people in a room would speak in a way a third person in the room wouldn't be able to comprehend, be it by voice or language. It's just rude. Here I googled the Hadith (Islamic narration):
ReplyDeleteقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم:(إذا كنتم ثلاثة فلا يتناجى اثنان دون صاحبهما فإن ذلك يحزنه) رواه البخاري ومسلم
The Prophet (pbuh) said, "If you were three (in a room), let no two converse without their third, as this estranges him."
Yeah yeah I know, you don't need a hadtih to point out the obvious right mannerisms, but I just want to show the hypocrisy of conveniently following what people like to follow, and going through lengths and bounds to following those select values to unwanted extremes, while neglecting a lot of day-to-day manners would should be passing to our children...
Thank you TareX, I think I might print and enlarge that to go in the room I was thinking of when I wrote this.