Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Royal Wedding

   In case you spent yesterday (Nov. 16th 2010) under a rock or just didn't turn on your T.V; Prince William is now engaged to long time girlfriend Kate Middleton.

  Yes, I know. Exciting stuff (and I absolutely, definitely did not watch at least an hour's worth of SkyNews coverage) but I have to admit, the thing I'm looking forward to the most is the wedding, the dress, Harry in full uniform at the wedding, nope, none of those. It's the merchandise! Apparently within minutes of the announcement some firms were preparing their cups, mugs, t-shirts, thimbles and God knows what else. I'm looking forward to trawling through websites trying to find the tackiest piece (IMPO) I can, feel free to join in and let me know what you find!

I probably will be getting a coin though. I'm sad that way.

CONGRATULATIONS WILLIAM AND KATE CATHERINE!!! (I wouldn't want your job for all the money in the world!)


  1. Did you know something everybody else didn't when you booked your London trip? I shudder to think what tat you will be taking home with you!

  2. I am psychic! I hasten to add that I won't actually be buying any of the things (apart from a coin, I want one of those) I'm just fascinated to see how bad they can get!

  3. :D haha i could picture peope wearing their tacky T-shirts, i'm with you in this 1, its ridiculous!
    Mim ;)


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